Planned Respite

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We offer planned respite options for Children and Youth with a variety of support needs.

Our respite options are home-away-from-home style accommodations that are tailored to each person. Respite can include a range of activities designed to increase capacity and create a fun and comfortable environment.

It may also be possible to provide respite support in your own home. Our friendly intake team can chat to you about this and answer any questions.

To view our other services please visit our Services Page.

Mason's Story

Our young Client Mason loves to learn about cooking with our Children, Youth and Respite team at Nexus’s Respite site in the North of Hobart.

He has enjoyed making muffins, toast, and salad rolls, and likes being able to share them with his housemates. 

When Mason is not busy honing his cooking skills, he spends his time playing basketball or tennis with Nexus staff, riding his scooter and playing Fortnite on his Xbox.