Clients Welcome Board Members to their Homes

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Three Nexus clients are seated at their dining room table with two support workers and two Board Members standing behind them all smiling.

We love when we can connect our Nexus community with each other! This month some of our Supported Independent Living and Respite clients welcomed Board and Subcommittee members to their homes for a cup of tea and a chat.

As well as engaging with clients about the activities they are involved in and getting a tour of their home, it was a lovely opportunity for the members to speak with staff about what they like about working at Nexus and the challenges they face.

Creating chances to connect like this is an important part of ensuring that the Board and Subcommittee members get to meet clients and staff and see firsthand the support that Nexus provides.

Some houses baked treats, others bought in special food to share for the occasion. Everyone involved had great feedback on the visits and are looking forward to the next one!

Thank you to our Team Leaders, Support Workers and Stakeholder Engagement Manager for coordinating the visits,  and to our clients for welcoming our Board and Subcommittee members into your home.